Wednesday, May 19, 2010

GrAdUaTiOn DaY

For Graduation Casey and I went to get pedicures...

This was Casey's first "professional" pedicure... she was pretty excited!

Casey sitting in her chair with the awesome color she picked out for her toes.

She watched intently as the lady filed and prepped her toes for paint...

and then the color and the flowers... with sparkles... of course!

Graduation night! Pre-ceremony picture...

Getting my degree
(don't worry the thing they give you is really empty.. lol)

Me and Casey after... oh and Shannon's arm... lol...


Tara said...

What a cutie! She looks a lot like you. Congrats on graduation!

Catrina said...

So, so cute!! Casey's hair is getting soooo long! I'm so proud of you! Um, weird to see you in a dress lol, but you look awesome!

Liz said...

Hey Becky... Your daughter looks JUST like you! I'm glad to know your blog address, so now we can blog stalk you! ha ha ha! Hope you're enjoying your freedom from school! ;)

Kerryne said...

SOOOO CUTE! CONGRATS BECKY! I am soooo excited for you... :)